29 April, 2008

Still there

It has been some time I posted here. Not because I have a major fit of writing block, just a little one...

Things are progressing in my life. In our life.
K and I are getting closer.
And than we are moving away from each other, again.
Back and forth.
You probably recognise it.

I have added some extra play, handcuffs, flogger, butt plug.

And what do you think?
How does she feel about all of these very new things to her?

Very aroused, wanting more.
And very vulnerable too.

So yes, we are growing into a new understanding.

And guess what?
I will keep track on these pages!


Soxy Angel said...

dear Zeno

thank you for the link and for inviting me here to your space

your words appeal to me, as you know, smile*

x angelgirl

Tarrah Betts said...

I was starting to wonder why your writing stopped. I guess I post so damn much, I expect everyone else to do the same


Kisses to you Babe...


trinity pup said...

very glad to hear it!! i am happy to hear that you are both growing, just what i am experiencing now too, so here's to lots of happy times ahead :-)

t. x

Blush said...


So glad to hear you're doing well (and she is too!).


Anonymous said...

That is good news, very good news indeed, I am very happy for you.

Back and forth...we had a lot of that too. Many couples do I think. It takes time to trust and find peace in finding out who and what we and, sometimes, our loved ones are.

I am looking forward to reading about this new understanding too...both from a strictly human and a subbie's perspective :)